Regarding the Big Cat Sightings (Daily Echo, June 12) I too had an encounter with one while walking along the path on Ringwood Road towards Millhams Mead.

It was at the end of 2009 but I have spoken to other walkers in the last few weeks who have also seen it. My experience of the cat was quite daunting, as it was no more than six feet from me!

It was sat with its back to me casually scratching its ear with its hind leg.

It then it got up and began walking towards me.

There was no mistaking the distinctive way a cat walks. Fortunately for me, it heard something in the wood and darted off.

I continued along to the gate to the wood where I met friends.

One of them told me that they had seen a dark shadow run past them too.

A neighbour had also told me how she had found a deer dead in the woods with its throat ripped out, which is how a cat kills prey.

I am not someone who is prone to exaggeration and I am quite certain of my sightings.

Lynda Davis, address supplied