There has been significant discussion online following the publication of the Daily Echo article on congestion charging.

I would like to reiterate that congestion charging does not form part of local authorities policies, and is simply one option, among many, that the South East Dorset Transport Study team is seeking your views on.

The final strategy that will shape local transport systems in the region over the next 20 years must be robust and must have considered the full breadth of available options if it is to be approved by government.

The consultation has been designed following government guidance, and in doing so we are ensuring any future bids for funding have the best possible chance for success.

It is also important to stress that the options you are being consulted on are suggestions, and you have the opportunity, as residents and commuters, to tell us what you would and wouldn’t like.

I would encourage anyone with an interest in this study to please have their say at or collect a leaflet from your local library, council or tourism office. We look forward to hearing from you.

Rick Clayton, project manager, South East Dorset Transport Study