We all know the public services face hard times as the new coalition government starts to repair the public finances.

Among local public service providers, including the police, NHS and local councils, it is no surprise that belt-tightening is the order of the day now that the general election is behind us. The only questions are how deep will the cuts be and how soon will they be implemented. In our local councils, staff are working out the details of the government’s recent announcements and will be presenting the options to councillors, who are accountable to the public who elect them.

Alderman Adrian Fudge, who was responsible for Bournemouth council’s budgets under the previous administration, painted a fascinating picture of officers reluctant to give proper advice to councillors during his tenure.

This is not the way the system should work, and I want to reassure the public that this is not the way things work in Bournemouth council nowadays.

I would also like to thank council staff and managers from partner organisations for their professionalism and dedication during this very difficult time.

Cllr Stephen MacLoughlin, leader, Bournemouth council