I have heard from the Humane Society International that the ban on commercial whaling may be lifted at the IWC (International Whaling Commission) meeting taking place today.

Commercial whaling has been banned since 1986, yet a handful of countries (Japan, Norway & Iceland) have continued to kill whales illegally since then, despite attempts at good faith negotiations.

So there is enough illegal whaling going on without lifting this ban.

Whaling is barbaric and unnecessary and will drive many species to extinction if the ban is lifted.

Whales have enough to contend with, with toxic pollution, oil spills, oil & gas exploration and global warming.

They are not responsible for fish stock depletion, which is due to man’s over-fishing tactics and poisoning of the seas.

Please write to your local MP and urge the UK government to oppose any deal on lifting the whaling ban by the IWC.

Ask them to give whales the protection they need, so that future generations can share their planet with them.

Also consider supporting Sea Shepherd or the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society so they have the funds to continue to campaign to protect whales in their natural habitat.

Jacqui Fogg, King John Avenue, Bearwood