Will FIFA now recognise that by failing to permit the use of video replays, it has brought the game into disrepute?

After all, it is now 24 years since the infamous Maradona ‘Hand of God’ episode, which went unrecognised (except by millions of viewers throughout the world), and therefore unpunished.

The result is that we have a farcical situation, whereby all a player has to do to get an opponent red carded is to fall down on the pitch clutching his face, and where the referee is obliged to ask the player who scored a goal if he handled the ball in the process! (Brazil versus Ivory Coast, June 20).

When I lived in Africa, my sister had a pet chameleon, whose two independently functioning eyes, could cover almost 360 degrees.

The eyes of the referee, alas, cannot.

And will the English FA also admit that, by spending an obscene amount of money – £6 million a year – on a coach with only the most rudimentary command of the English language (when underdogs with coaches who are paid only a fraction of this amount have achieved far better results than England in this year’s Football World Cup), they have also brought the game into disrepute?

Dr Andrew Norman, Hurst Hill, Poole