Two letters in Have Your Say (June 18) regarding the Talbot Village planning consent issue need a reply.

Firstly, Cllr Ann Stribley, chair of planning, clearly is happy to play politics with Cllr Eades through your pages, rather than take note of the views of residents or the advice of experts who advised against this application.

Secondly, correspondent Ken Cole insinuates that the residents on the village are simply playing Nimbys and that the area can easily accommodate the additional people.

The reality is, should this plan go ahead, the population of Talbot Village will more than double and the vastly overused Wallisdown Road will become even more gridlocked than it is now, with implications for other roads in the area.

Furthermore, no thought has been given to the infrastructure of the village (surgery, shops, school catchment, community facilities, etc) because both the Talbot Village Trust’s and Poole council’s assessments have vastly under-estimated both the number of children and vehicles that the extra dwellings will add.

Existing residents are perfectly aware that further development in Talbot Village is inevitable, and that affordable housing is needed. However, it is the density of dwellings (three times that originally intended for the site) and the lack of thinking through the implications for the area that make this plan unacceptable.

Fortunately, the application is almost certainly to be called in by the government, and in the new planning climate the indications are that it will be rejected.

It is felt by many people that Poole council’s attitude to packing so many dwellings into the space is purely down to the extra council tax that can be raised, rather than the benefit of local residents.

G Smith, address supplied, Talbot Village