What has happened to the service industry in this country?

At petrol pumps we serve ourselves.

At libraries we now have to serve ourselves.

At Tesco and B&Q there are self-service checkouts.

If you want to book anything these days you are expected to do it online.

Most of the time I have to read my own gas and electric meters, and when they are supposedly read by the companies – a non estimated reading – they still get it wrong!

My gas provider tried to charge me £250 for gas I hadn’t used.

Why have I got to do every damn thing myself these days?

Even when someone else does the job they get it wrong!

We don’t just need a return to service in this country, we need good service.

What next – do your own minor surgery?

It seems a lot of people are already doing their own makeshift dentistry.

People want jobs but they don’t want to do any work – they want us to do it for them while they stand and watch in a supervisory role.

When we get it wrong they look down their noses at us, talk to us as if we were imbeciles and treat us with utter contempt.

C D Cobb, Diana Way, Corfe Mullen