I WAS interested to read the suggestion to David Cameron by Faith on Saturday, to disband the NICE committee.

Why should a committee have the right to deny drugs to patients who would benefit from them in improving their health, in all probability extending their life expectancy?

Faith says only this week this committee has refused the use by the NHS of a new lung cancer drug, Tarceva, as a first time treatment.

Other European countries, many of which are poorer than ours, are using these drugs, so why not our people?

The people who should decide which drugs are to be used are the hospital specialists, who know the medical history and condition of their patients intimately, and could put the drugs to more beneficial use than a committee.

Faith Eckersall is a down-to-earth, common-sense lady, so come on Mr Cameron, follow her suggestion and prove your sincere ideals of a fairer, caring society by taking action now please.

E RUSS, Wynne Close, Broadstone, Dorset