IT’S with sadness that I read (Daily Echo, June 15) of the problems affecting Pilkingtons Tiles in Hamworthy – Carter Tiles as it always will be to locals and all ex-employees.

Clay has been worked in Hamworthy for 200 years.

Carter and Co has had a rich history of all manner of tiles, faience work, and mosaics.

Early photos of Carter’s kiln chimneys and works show how large the site was originally.

Wall and floor tiles were the mainstay for many years, but also beautiful faience work.

Much of it is still to be seen in Poole today – the decorative fish and sea creatures at each Poole Park entrance gate, and the Poole coat of arms at the waterfront museum with the then Miss World, Anne Sidney, depicted as the mermaid.

She visited the works to see how the faience would be made, and to have sketches made of her face.

(Many a male colleague made an excuse to visit the Decorating Shop that day).

I had no dread of Mondays.

I really couldn’t have had a lovelier job.

I wish every one of the staff well, and hope problems are resolved.

CAROLYN BARTLETT, Blandford Road, Hamworthy, Poole