THE latest sound bite is ‘can’t afford to buy a home until I’m 40’, and with mortgage rates at their lowest level in memory.

Boo hoo – it’s really all about choices in most cases, the same as wanting a family and a full career.

If they must have everything now – holidays abroad once/twice or more a year, change the car, all the latest clothes/equipment etc then you can’t have it every which way.

Yes, I’m an old codger whose first home was purchased after saving up for a decent deposit, when total prices for the average home cost more multiples of our annual salaries than today; mainly second hand furniture, one week holiday in a UK holiday camp and a motorbike (no children yet, until my salary was enough).

My wife only went back to part time work once our two children were at school. We survived – better than some, less so than others.

Choices – it’s usually down to individual choices, not belly aching.

BRYAN & ANNE PETERS, Post Office Lane, St Ives