MINDLESS vandalism – the letter published on Monday headlined “A sad end to a very sad day” just about sums up the younger generation’s mentality.

“Oh, there’s a nice car, no one’s around, let’s have some fun and rip off a windscreen wiper.”

They are the same in graveyards, equally where there is no one around to stop them.

And they will be heroes to one another for being “big” by damaging someone else’s property, but in fact they are just gutless cowards.

Never mind the money they are costing their victims to put their vandalism right, they don't think of that.

And although it is no real comfort, all we can do is feel a warm glow in our soul in that history repeats itself, and one day in about 50 years’ time, some other young thug will be doing the same to their property and they’ll get their come-uppance!

ALAN BURRIDGE, Blandford Road, Upton