TWENTY years ago, the scouts, amongst others, collected newspapers to raise funds. 250kgs brought about £15 in revenue. But then recycling began in earnest, and news print was worth zero.

Presumably Poole Council have found much the same happening with their green waste, where twigs, branches etc would be chipped and sold as bark for mulching; but now the bottom has fallen out of their market, and they can’t give the stuff away.

So what are they going to do about it?

Charge the householder, that’s what: council considering charge for green bins (Echo front page June 14); like cash isn’t tight enough already?

Where do they think people are going to get this extra money from?

Well, householders, how about bringing the good old compost heap back? Get a shredder for about £50 for the twigs, put your tea bags and veg pealings in there and you’ll be quids in… and do the garden good by recycling it back into your flower beds.

ALAN BURRIDGE, Blandford Road, Upton