I HAD to smile at the letter from Mr Douglas Mills (Echo June 17) regarding his experience of opening the door for a ‘lady’ (who proved to be very much otherwise).

I suspect this gentleman is around my own age group, when teaching manners at school was quite commonplace and it was certainly a hot subject as far as our parents were concerned.

My husband has always opened doors, given up his seat on the bus, offered his place to a lady directly behind him at a function where there is the usual line-up for the break time snacks and tea etc. I cannot remember one instance when he has received a rebuff.

Carry on being a gentleman, Mr Mills – this is a one-off. There are many more gentlemen like you, of all age groups, I hasten to add.

Why should the rest of us ladies have to suffer because of one female’s downright ignorance?

RUTH COOKE, Redhill Park, Bournemouth