THANK goodness for people like Douglas Mills (I was taught basic good manners, June 17), who still believes in the importance of good manners and basic courtesy.

I was disgusted by the behaviour of the woman who verbally abused him for daring to hold the door open for her.

Would she have preferred it to have slammed in her face?

I’m a young woman and I consider it a basic courtesy to hold the door open for someone and to have it held open for me.

I just can’t imagine why someone would be offended by a polite gesture.

I would just like to say to Douglas that the attitude of the woman he encountered is certainly not the norm and that it would be a travesty if he allowed the rudeness and ignorance of others to change who he is.

I don’t like to think of there being one less gentleman in the world, when there are so few as it is.

ALISON BRUCE, address supplied