POLITICIANS in Westminster are now debating the fate of 80,000 disabled people as they decide whether to grant Government the power to remove the Personal Independence Payment mobility component, which will be replacing Disability Living Allowance, from people living in residential care.

This is a benefit that helps people meet extra mobility costs like an adapted car or accessible taxis.

The Government hopes this will save £160 million out of the £81 billion spending cuts it plans to make by 2014/15.

However, whilst the savings may be small in relation to the overall cuts, the impact on individuals will be devastating.

Removing this benefit will leave disabled people living in residential care isolated, unable to afford to leave their homes and denied the independence most people take for granted. MPs cannot allow this to happen and have the opportunity to stop it.

Last month saw the biggest UK gathering ever by disabled people and their family and friends as around 5,000 people protested against the cuts as part of the Hardest Hit campaign.

We are once again calling on MPs to remember disabled people, who are being affected by spending cuts in many ways, as they decide the fate of 80,000 people living in residential care.

DAVID MOORE, The Grange, Mount Road, Parkstone