THERE might be something in the letter from Bill Brandwood (June 27), when he suggests perhaps retirement age could be 60.

Surely it would be better for people to say, “I am retired” rather than trying to squeeze out some form of Job Seekers Allowance. It is after all, only a change in benefit name.

I strongly suspect a lot of people would continue to work after the age of 60, although maybe part time.

As Bill writes, it is the young who need to find jobs and they can then stick at it. Whereas at 60, what is the point of retaining?

I am not far off that age myself, and I know full well, I do not have the energy I use to have in my younger days.

I am still ambitious, healthy and have no intention of giving up. But at a slower pace. I could not now cope with the ‘rat race’.

RICHARD GRANT, Bisterne Close, Burley