I WOULD like to express my thanks to Christchurch Borough Council for giving its support to the proposal to create a bicycle route along the Creedy Path in the Druitt Gardens.

This was a forward-thinking decision that demonstrated responsiveness to the requests for such a path from many local residents.

Due to the Bargates roundabout, access between the east and west of the town of Christchurch is significantly impeded for both cyclists and pedestrians as well as mobility scooter users.

This path will go some way to alleviating that difficulty.

In particular, it will enable parents and children of the Priory School to take better advantage of the opportunities to cycle.

This will, in turn, mean healthier children and adults and should also relieve congestion at peak times.

Christchurch has enormous potential to be a ‘cycling town’.

Whilst we understand that there are still some issues to be resolved, this decision does nevertheless mark a step in the direction of Christchurch being able to realise such potential.

DAVID BRYDEN, Fitzmaurice Road, Christchurch