REGARDING the axing of the old No 20 bus via Brassey Road to Winton.

The local councillor Sue Anderson, says she is extremely sorry for the hardship caused to the elderly in the loss of this service.

It is not sympathy we want, but some action to reinstate our bus service by the council.

Many people who used this bus are elderly, in their 70s, 80s and even a lady in her mid 90s.

It is our only means of getting to Winton post office, library, Moordown clinic and the community centre, the banks, building societies, local shops and the Salvation Army where the older people go for lunch.

The alternative route means getting a bus to Alma Road or Castle Lane and change buses for Winton, which means standing around for buses.

Whilst we appreciate that cuts have to be made because of the economic situation, why cannot the council get together with the local bus company and arrange a shopper’s bus, in the morning and afternoon several days a week?

I am sure this arrangement would be welcomed by the local people who could manage to visit Winton and do the necessary business that needed to be attended to, rather than leave us completely isolated.

JOYCE VACHER, Gresham Road, Bournemouth