I’M saddened daily to hear more and more cutbacks in council services when throughout the UK councils are losing millions of pounds through greedy landlords turning their properties into student lets (HMOs) therefore evading all council taxes, An example of this situation is a five-bedroom detached house on a modern estate here in Poole which is occupied by seven students and parked up with five cars.

The landlords’ income on this property and thousands of others nationwide is in excess of £1,500 per month and this is repeated throughout Poole and Bournemouth and countrywide.

The landlords pay nothing towards council services and this cannot go on.

Disabled people, children, libraries, workers and many others in all services are suffering through this gaping hole in local budgets.

We are all paying council taxes to subsidise thousands of students and landlords that are laughing all the way to the bank.

STEVE, Poole (name and address supplied)