HAVING very carefully read the Echo article ‘School slammed for pupil protest handling’ (July 15) I can well understand the parents taking offence at the wording of the letter sent to them by the school regarding uniform regulations. However, rules are rules and where there is a definite dress code it should be adhered to. The pupils should have been sent a more friendly letter to this effect instead of the ‘regimental’ tone used.

The students ‘strike’ action however is a different matter altogether and should not have taken place, no matter how peaceful.

A teacher today has a much harder job than years ago – the time consuming bureaucracy involved is only one aspect of their job. Whether I agree or not with them going on a one day strike is neither here nor there, but there are certainly more deserving cases – the refuse collectors who have been told to expect less pay is one instance.

All in all the students should adhere to the dress code and maybe the school involved might even be persuaded to employ an ‘in-house’ hairdresser.

RUTH COOKE, Redhill Park, Bournemouth