ON the morning of Sunday June 19, thousands of women and girls of all ages turned out to take part in the annual Race for Life along Bournemouth seafront.

Women who had lost loved ones, had friends or family battling the disease or were cancer survivors themselves all joining together to raise money and awareness.

The R4L is about more than money.

It’s about being part of something big, a sense of togetherness and knowing that we are all united to ultimately try and beat cancer.

The race is about such a serious issue but is so much fun. All you can see for the 5km stretch of seafront is a sea of pink. We all dress accordingly to fit the occasion. Some go a step further – ladies in pink wigs or hats, ladies in their pink pyjamas, fairy wings and rabbit ears.

I even saw the three little pigs and a lady in her wedding dress.

This year I was aware of the number of people taking part who were currently fighting their illness.

There were several ladies with no hair or in head scarves, more in wheelchairs and apparently (although I didn’t see her) there was a little girl of around three taking part, who was herself in remission.

That’s the beauty of the R4L – it embraces everyone and there is such a strong feeling of love and support.

Events like the R4L truly make me feel like a cancer survivor rather than a victim.