THERE have of late been many comments concerning the Pinewalk Art Exhibition in Bournemouth town centre, and I wish to contribute my views to this discussion.

As an artist’s agent, representing a Bournemouth-based artist who has exhibited and will be exhibiting again this season at the Pinewalk, I recognise that the Pinewalk is a valuable resource.

If promoted to art collectors beyond the immediate district, it could bring to the town collectors who currently visit other destinations, such as London and St Ives in Cornwall.

There is a wealth of artistic talent in Bournemouth which could, if promoted correctly, rival the best that can be found anywhere in the country and the Pinewalk, which is situated in the very heart of Bournemouth, could be a wonderful showcase.

It has been stated more than once that the Pinewalk has been under-supported of late.

It is my understanding that there are moves afoot to start the process to rectify this matter.

Hopefully within a short space of time, a change for the better will become apparent.

These improvements will, I believe, create an entertaining “‘destination” to town residents as well as holiday visitors and, importantly, art collectors.

The Pinewalk is efficiently run by Alan Hayden, a practising artist who understands the workings of the market and who, I hope, will continue to run the it.

The benefits of revealing “‘Bournemouth’s best kept secret” could include increased visitor numbers for the town together with the increased spending on accommodation, catering, transport, and entertainment, that this could provide.

RUTH KELVIN, Alum Chine, Bournemouth