FURTHER to Mr A Gerault’s letter in ‘Have Your Say’, I would like to ask him: what is your problem regarding senior citizen’s bus passes?

To my knowledge, this is at least the second time he has written to Have Your Say on this subject.

He is probably not a pensioner himself.

Perhaps he does not need to use the buses, having a nice car to run about in. I’m sure he can afford the petrol.

These passes are (as I wrote in my previous letter to Have Your Say, regarding his thoughts on the subject) a lifeline to pensioners who need them to get out and about and even the charge of a £1 would be, at least for some, difficult to afford. They would probably need to use the bus more days than one in any week.

So I ask again, what is his problem?

Perhaps he would like to give his reasons to Have Your Say so that we senior citizens might understand.

Let’s face it, we all pay our council tax and seem to get very little in return.

R W JOHNSON, address supplied