JUST how Telford Junior Football League’s barmy decision to publish all match results as either, 1-0, 0-1 or 0-0, regardless of the actual scores, will benefit children is beyond comprehension.

The thinking is that it will stop the little darlings from getting upset when they lose a game by a large margin.

But this over-protective attitude to child-rearing will only lead to them being unable to cope with setbacks later in life.

What next? Winning times for track events to be published as the average time it takes for all competitors to complete a race? Perhaps we should do away with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at the Olympics, replacing them with just one amalgam of the three to be awarded to all competitors as they take their place on a one-level podium to the accompaniment of the national anthem of every competing country.

Children have to learn that all of us will be faced with failures from time to time and we need to have the strength of character to deal with them.

Wrapping children in cotton wool does far more harm than good.

ROBERT READMAN, Norwich Avenue West, Bournemouth