MUCH comment has already been made about the burning of the A338 speed camera. We all know, deep down, when we look at the truth that fines can be avoided by dropping off the accelerator and that vandalism is not the way to challenge such measures.

It must be deeply frustrating for the emergency services when such comment and approval is aired supporting vandalism.

They are the ones that have to pick up the pieces. It is also deeply frustrating for the other road users who obey the limits, or are in a more vulnerable position (pedestrians and cyclists).

So I propose a solution. Let’s have a referendum! Let’s see if the public actually wants speed cameras or if this is actually just some vociferous minority who wish to drive with abandon.

We could have several options: l Yes to speed cameras under the current scheme.

l Yes to speed cameras, but under a three strike points policy (get three points and an instant ban, no fines, but no excuses).

l Abolish all the camera schemes but give harsher punishments for those who kill or injure and hold them accountable for the time that has to be wasted via the emergency services and road closures.

DJ COOK, Southampton