THE letter from Christine Peters regarding plastic shopping bags only highlights the intensive campaign that has been launched in recent months.

I would suggest it is because these bags have, until now, been given away by the shops with no charge attached.

Why has no one mentioned the white plastic bin bags that are probably used by everybody who has a rubbish bin in their kitchen?

These bags are put in the refuse bin ready for collection by the council refuse collectors and over the course of two weeks probably seven or eight are used.

Are these not stronger than the average plastic shopping bag so accordingly will take far longer to expire?

Then there are the black plastic bin bags and the green plastic garden refuse bags. Apparently these are not a concern either as this campaign and the propaganda that goes with it is only directed at supermarket shopping bags.

Perhaps the reason that these plastic bags have not been targeted is because they have to be purchased and indeed are quite expensive.

Maybe the 5p charge levied in Wales recently and probably to be charged in England is yet another way of extracting money from the pocket of Joe Public. However, I fully support Christine’s excellent suggestion of thin linen bags, reusable and biodegradable.