THERE was a news item recently on television about a man who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer but is having a bad experience as far as waiting times have been concerned.

Apparently he has waited months in between appointments and tests being arranged at Southampton General Hospital.

Well my husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer but his experience under Royal Bournemouth Hospital and our GP has been nothing but excellent. The GP referred him to Bournemouth hospital on September 1 and since then he has had two consultant appointments, biopsy, MRI scan, a bone scan which is on October 20 and an appointment has been made with a doctor from Poole Hospital for October 24.

The gentleman said that he felt the NHS had let him down. Well it hasn’t let my husband down, nor has Bournemouth Hospital or our GP – 10/10 for them all.

JUNE DAVIS, Fern Close, Burton