IN answer to your headline (Why are we cruel to our animals?, Echo October 6), the reason, in my opinion, is that current legislation in this country is pathetic and often not invoked to its full.

All animals held as domestic pets should be registered together with their owners’ names and addresses.

People have exotic pets, including snakes, but do you know what your neighbour keeps in his ‘terarium’ in his garage?

We should make the dog licence compulsory and it should be of a meaningful value, to ensure that the owner thinks twice before committing to dog ownership.

The owning of a pet, whatever it is, should be controlled more emphatically.

Dogs must have a licence, which has a meaningful cost, and must wear a collar with a disc, stamped with the licence number, issued by the local authority.

The dog must have a Parvo Virus injection every six months and a certificate to show this is current. When the animal leaves the owner’s premises it must be on a lead at all times.

I often go to the area between Whitecliff and Baiter; on entering the area there is a sign saying all dogs must be on a lead, but this is never enforced, and when you mention this to irresponsible dog owners, you are met with abuse.

Many owners meet there regularly with their dogs off leads, and stand chatting, unaware of the fact that their dog is defecating, and thus they make no attempt to clean it up. When did you last see a warden telling a dog owner to put a dog on a lead?

I have often been harassed by large dogs while walking my small dog on a lead, and when I remonstrate with the owners, I am again on the receipt of abuse.

Pet ownership should be a privilege and if you aren’t prepared to comply with regulations, then this should be withdrawn, not for 12 months or two years, but for life.