YOU have published some anonymous online comments (Daily Echo, October 10) about Bournemouth Council’s partnership with Mouchel.

I do not know what other comments there have been online but I would like to correct the allegations made and remind your readers that in the event of Mouchel being taken over, there are clear options available to protect the council and ensure the continuity of the provision of services for residents.

These include any company taking over Mouchel being bound by the terms of the contract and the council having the option to reject any new owner.

We are determined to protect front line services for Bournemouth’s residents and will continue to explore every avenue for greater efficiency savings.

A major part of this is to transform the way in which services are provided for the longer term. Bournemouth Council cannot achieve this on its own which some people have found controversial although many of those criticising what we are doing are opposed on principle.

The reality however is that local councils must change the way they provide services or face up to the reality of deep cuts now and into the foreseeable future.

This administration is determined to continue on the path it has set as we keep the protection of services for Bournemouth’s residents as the cornerstone for taking this council forward against a backdrop of severe cuts in government funding.

Cllr John Beesley, Deputy Leader, Bournemouth Council