AS a rule of mine, I do not respond to any comment I have had published in the Echo. I have said my bit and that’s it.

However, in the case of GM Foulds from Upton, I feel I just have to reply. The case was brought up concerning those plastic expensive and heavy duty bin bags that we all use daily within our homes.

As was stated in that reply, no concern was ever given towards them, only the supermarket plastic bags. A good point was raised that I honestly admit, I never ever considered before.

My solution towards the supermarket plastic bags was to introduce thin reusable linen bags, but now I have an answer towards GM Foulds’ dilemma.

Fill up your home black, white or green bin bags and then tie the knot at the top.

Take it to your waste bin, untie the knot and then dump the lot loose in the waste container.

That way you can re-use your bin bag again and have no need to purchase more, plus not leave any weekly/yearly non-biodegradable bags at the land-fill. It makes complete sense all round.

CHRISTINE PETERS, Wellington Road, Bournemouth