THE wealth of Echo headlines about the council over the last few years, referring to the Boscombe Surf Reef amongst other projects, have always suggested to me that the council has a limited grasp of the concept of value for money.

But now we have a story that throws a glaring spotlight onto the very heart of the council’s decision-making process – and what a sorry picture it reveals.

The fact that the Chief Accountant and Deputy Section 151 officer felt ‘unable to communicate his concerns,’ as part of the report into the outsourcing deal with Mouchel, suggests to me a serious breakdown in financial management at the council.

The £3m cost of the surf reef will be dwarfed by the amount to be paid to Mouchel over the life of the contract. The council has a duty to ensure that the outsourcing represents value for money over the long term and doesn’t just deliver short-term savings to balance its books.

How much confidence can Bournemouth taxpayers have in the original business case, supporting the decision to outsource council services, if they can’t be sure that unbiased professional advice has been received, and considered, by councillors?

I have always found Stephen Parker to be knowledgeable and level-headed. In my opinion, he would not have raised his professional concerns in this way with members without a great deal of careful thought. His hasty suspension should set alarm bells ringing.

Please do not allow this serious issue to be sidelined to your online debate.

SUSAN HENNEN, address supplied