READING the front page of the Daily Echo, October 14, regarding Bournemouth council signing up for services with Mouchel, you would think you were reporting from proceedings in North Korea or Russia.

Official officers of a community suspended and escorted from a meeting purely because they had a difference of opinion from the leaders of the council!

It’s unbelievable.

It is the leaders that should be escorted from the building and locked up for not allowing democratic discussions.

When they signed up with Mouchel it was in print that they were having difficulties.

Who, with any sense at that time, would agree to a firm like that taking over most of the councils business?

They seem to be a council that are breeding White Elephants. I hope they don’t escape and come Poole’s way.

After looking at all the work outside the Dolphin swimming pool, I’m not sure they haven’t already reached here.

KEN ADAMS, Glen Road, Parkstone, Poole