IT was with dismay that read the letter by DC Taylor regarding the town of Christchurch (‘Young thugs are ruining town’, Have Your Say, October 27).

I work in Christchurch and my job involves meeting the residents and visitors to the town, the vast majority are full of praise.

They enjoy the stroll along the river, the visit to the Priory and the Red House Museum, the Norman Ruins and the ferry ride to the beach.

What other small town can boast so many attractions on the doorstep?

Visitors from Christchurch in New Zealand are full of praise and sign the visitors’ book with complementary comments about Christchurch and its friendly residents.

A comment I hear on a regular basis is how much families wish to re-locate to this area.

I have never encountered any thugs in Christchurch; I feel safe here and lucky to live and work in such a beautiful place.

DC Taylor obviously witnessed a rare event in Christchurch meeting with some unruly youths. Did anyone bother to call the police? It seems not, so why blame the police for not being there?

So let’s not exaggerate DC Taylor’s experience, horrible as it might have been on this one occasion. Christchurch has not ‘gone down hill’. While other towns are closing libraries and shops, Christchurch is extending its library, the empty shops are filling up with new and exciting retailers.

The hotels and restaurants are buzzing with activity and walking along the river bank is a joy, especially seeing the new splash park being used by families with small children.

I love Christchurch, and I would not let one group of youths acting in an unpleasant way destroy the image of a wonderful town.

MRS DEBRA CORRIGAN, Bute Drive, Highcliffe