A WHOPPING 100,000 people signed an e-petition calling for a referendum on Europe but Westminster voted against the idea. “Nothing illustrates more starkly the divide between voters and the Westminster political class”, writes Cllr Tony Woodcock (Echo letters October 26).

Perhaps it is Cllr Woodcock’s strong views on Europe that blind him to the other examples of popular protest that have been ignored by Westminster.

Some required far more commitment from folk than just a couple of mouse clicks and some involved many more people.

In February 2003 a million people took to the streets to tell the Labour government with its dodgy dossiers not to go to war with Iraq.

The majority of both Labour and Conservative MPs ignored this expression of popular protest. And so off to war we went.

Perhaps in future Cllr Woodcock could brush upon his history before making such obviously erroneous statements.

DR MARTIN RODGER, Bloxworth Road, Poole