I AM sure millions of us are delighted at plans for a new national flagship (Royal Yacht) – its construction to be paid for by private funding and its running expenses to come from its use by cadets and others.

Only the most curmudgeonly could possibly criticise this project – especially as it will be achieved at no cost to the taxpayer.

It is an entirely appropriate and much-deserved tribute, in her diamond jubilee year, to a lady whose entire life has been spent in the service of her country and the Commonwealth.

The Queen was heartbroken when her beloved ‘Britannia’ was mothballed by penny-pinching politicians who, every year, are only too willing to squander far greater amounts of taxpayers’ cash on ideological projects that are of far less benefit to the nation than the Royal Yacht.

If France considers its President Sarkozy deserving of a £275million revamped Airbus-300, then the Queen of England deserves an entire fleet of Royal Yachts.

I for one would be only too willing to donate a few pounds to this very worthwhile project.

ROBERT READMAN, Norwich Avenue West, Bournemouth