THERE has been a healthy debate for some time about various aspects of rubbish collection. One which seems to be quietly ignored, however, is the problem of people fly tipping their domestic refuse.

In the road in which I live, every week there are piles of black bags which residents put out the night before they are due for collection with the inevitable result that they are ripped open by foxes or, in the summer months, gulls.

The pursuant vermin risk does not seem to have occurred to those who leave their rubbish out early although they will, no doubt, be first to complain when that potential becomes a reality.

I appreciate that some people have difficult refuse arrangements but they must have been aware of that when they moved in.

I fear that the problem stems more from taking the easy route. This view is reinforced by the dumping of divans, mattresses, unwanted aquaria etc.

I know the council is not perfect but they try very hard to keep our town clean and I think we should help, not hinder.

COLIN PIPE Grand Marine Court, Durley Gardens, Bournemouth