I READ your Have Your Say page every day since moving to Bournemouth 14 years ago, I feel I would like to put my two penny’s worth in.

When is this council going to make a decision and stick to it? We see no movement on the Imax.

What can one say about the surf reef – it looks like it was put on the wrong side of the pier.

If you watch the surfers they are always on the other side of the pier.

This has gone on long enough. It doesn’t work, therefore could someone go round Bournemouth and take down all the signs which say how to get to the reef as it must have cost a bomb to put them up.

This moves me on to why there are so many more restaurants in the town centre. These councillors need to walk round town and see how many eating places have no-one in. Lots have gone, closed down, so why must we must need more? Also more cinemas. Why?

Also could these councillors please just go to Gervis Place at anytime and see the chaos that is caused by the number of buses moving up and down.

For goodness sake put the bus station back where it was with an information desk; somewhere you can wait in comfort when the weather is cold and it’s raining.

And last but not least the sign over the bridge on the Wessex Way would not look tatty or cheap.

This town is being strangled by people called councillors who never seem to get out of their offices and walk round the place.