ON a quiet day in Bournemouth town hall and let’s face it most of them are, the council’s anti-dog brigade can always be relied upon to take a swipe at the borough’s dog-owning community and the collection of dog waste.

‘It’s a disgrace, a menace to society,’ thunders Councillor Michael Filer. Not to be upstaged street’s manager Stuart Best weighs in with dire warnings of a growing costly problem and points to the ample supply of dog waste bins.

Before getting too carried away by their own rhetoric perhaps these two luminaries could explain why, if the problem is allegedly increasing, the council are busy removing dog waste bins in areas such as Hengistbury Head, Iford and Riverlands? Maybe the disappearing dog waste bins are being recycled by the Town Hall to store the copious amounts of waste paper generated by a bloated administration.

Whatever the reasons for the vanishing dog bins, council jobsworths need to get out and about a bit more rather than getting their exercise jumping on and off anti-dog band wagon in the Town Hall.

MR T THOMAS Wick Village, Bournemouth