BOURNEMOUTH Echo dated March 6 article ‘Right to target inconsiderate parkers’. Firstly, may I just add, I do indeed agree with Mr Jeff Williams of Parkstone, regarding the parking problems. I am a very concerned mum whose daughter attends Kingsleigh Primary School, Hadow Road area. Come on, Bournemouth Council, we need you.

Parking at my daughter’s school has become a joke. It is getting out of hand, some desperate measures need to be taken before someone is seriously hurt.

On several occasions while picking my daughter up from school I have almost had my foot crushed, a taxi clipped the kerb before mounting the pavement to park on double yellow lines. This is not only foolish of the driver but unsafe for parents and children who need to cross the road safely.

Motorists park on corners in front of people’s driveway and I have seen many cones knocked down just so the car can park closer to the school. The cones are put in front of the school gates to stop this behaviour. We expect our children to abide by rules, so why are these people ignoring the signs? Kingsleigh Primary School is a good school but something needs to be addressed before this situation gets out of hand. Please, Bournemouth patrol cars, if you are out there help keep our children safe and issue a few more fines.