WITH regard to Mr Jack Loveland’s letter in the Echo, referring to Wimborne Square, I really can’t follow the line of his argument at all.

As far as I can see, the changes to the Square will be very positive.

There will be more space for pedestrians and less unused road space.

What exactly is wrong with a bus stop in West Borough or morris dancers in the Square?

I am looking forward to sitting outside sipping a cup of coffee in the shade of the new trees.

There will be fewer parked cars, which must be a good thing for the environment.

There are plenty of car parks around Wimborne, you don’t need to park on the street.

The improvements in my opinion will make the Square much more attractive.

Roll on the Food Festival, Folk Festival and Beer Festival, Morris Men and all... it's all good fun!

LINDA DICKINS, Lapwing Road, Wimborne