DOES the Borough of Poole really want to reduce the beach hut waiting list?

They seem intent on adding more and more vacated long-term annual huts for short-term hire.

They have now added 55 huts in the last three years to the short-term rental stock of 100 huts.

That means 55 huts that could have gone to reduce the waiting list for beach huts.

If you are one of these people on the top of the 339 waiting list, you should be annoyed.

If people want to rent very well- equipped huts for a week, many annual tenants are happy to rent whilst they themselves are away on holiday.

However it seems unfair that the fixed price we can sub-let for is considerably cheaper than the poorly-equipped Borough of Poole huts.

It is most unfair, the way we are treated, considering we contribute £1.125million to the Borough of Poole for beach hut rents.

J COY, Beach Hut Tenant