I WANTED to express my astonishment at the way in which the Daily Echo have been treated by the powers-that-be at AFC Bournemouth.

Although I live in Bournemouth, I happily make the trip by train to Poole Town football club for every home game and also to the majority of the away games on the same coach as the players and management.

Firstly, it is great to know that your support is appreciated by each and every individual within the club, both on and off the field.

Secondly, I would love to see the club get back to its glory days for the sake of its loyal supporters and the efforts of the board of directors at the club.

The efforts of Chris Reeves and Clive Robbins in particular are a shining example to any club.

And as for coverage in the Daily Echo, we love any coverage that we can get and I know that the relationship between club and newspaper are fantastic having seen your reporters come through the turn style on occasion.

PAUL CHAPMAN, Muscliffe, Bournemouth