ON a recent visit to Turbury Retail Park I received a parking fine.

I didn’t realise that parking time was restricted as I didn’t see the signs, so I went to see where the signs were sited.

As you enter the car park it’s on the left hand side (the sign being approx 18ins by 2ft about 4ft of the ground) which you don’t see as you are concentrating on the traffic.

In the car park the same signs are on poles about 10ft off the ground which you don’t see.

You are restricted to three hours but you must leave the car park before as they photograph your car leaving.

I presume that even if you are a small time over you may get a ticket.

I’m sure that the retailers must be losing customers, as I’m sure there must be many who have been issued with tickets.

MRS J BRASON, Grenville Court, Poole