I AM sure there will be many residents in full agreement with the views so well expressed by Cllr Ron Whittaker, who has fought for many years for Bournemouth’s ice rink, which we now hear has been unfortunately unsuccessful in attracting a developer.

When he states “people will be very upset about this”, in agreement, residents will be bound to compare the lack of the opportunity to establish an ice rink with the funds expended on the ill-advised Boscombe Bay underwater reef scheme costing so many millions and which has failed so miserably to produce the expected attraction successfully.

There’s no doubt that Bournemouth is sadly lacking in badly wanted visitor attractions such as a near beach swimming pool and the long awaited ice rink.

Surely this council is fully aware of these facts and let’s hope that when ‘easily earned’ funds again reach the council’s coffers, such as the disposal of Honeycombe Chine, etc, the council will make provision for the establishing of these essential amenities.

PHILIP WHITELEGG, Saxonhurst Close, Northbourne