ON the current hot topic of the Poole Bay wind farm, I must admit I am pretty neutral.

I can see the “anti” argument when it comes to the high price, but as far as trying to kid us that we have a majority of days with no wind, who are they kidding?

Do they watch the weather forecasts? The estimate of how the generators will spoil the view however has me laughing. The view they have given obviously does not make adequate allowance for the curvature of the Earth, bearing in mind that a considerable part of the base will be “below the horizon”.

I have made a comparison with a jumbo jet, having spent a considerable number of years working on these babies at Heathrow.

Now a 747 is quite a considerable size and yet when one flies over at height, I can barely make out the shape of the speck at the front of the con trail.

And that is only at about five miles high,half the distance of the wind farm!

BOB DANKS Waterloo Road, Corfe Mullen