I am writing in response to the recent letter in the Echo from the anonymous 'Local Businessman for 35 years' calling for fresh blood on Bournemouth Council.

I am one of 17 new councillors elected last May, with three of us on the cabinet already, working with the new leader and chief executive to deliver a better Bournemouth.

This is not to criticise any past members of the council and your correspondent is correct that change can be good and often generates new ideas and enthusiasm.

The challenges that all councils face are serious and therefore difficult choices have to be made.

Over a four year period we shall have lost 30 per cent of our government funding but the cost in our two largest demand led services for children and adults continues to grow quickly.

We are all determined to ensure that the residents of the town come first and that frontline services are not reduced in Bournemouth.

Council tax is still at the same level as two years ago and yet we have put substantial new money into road repairs, smarter streets and combating anti-social behaviour among many other priorities. I am learning very quickly that running council services is a complex business with more and more priority services for residents competing for less and less available cash.

However, the prudent management of Bournemouth’s finances over the past five years has put all services in a stronger position compared with many other councils.

I am playing my part in doing my best for all of Bournemouth’s residents and am proud to be a part of it.

CLLR JANE KELLY Boscombe West Ward, cabinet member for partnerships and regeneration