I SEE that the council have granted permission for development of 57 self-contained flats plus holiday flats in the Priory Road area.

I certainly agree with the civic society that the development of six storeys high will have a negative effect on the West Cliff skyline.

However, there are further concerns for yet more building on the West Cliff and western side of Bournemouth.

We have one primary school in this area. When my children attended St Michael’s School there were fewer than 300 children in the school.

With all the expansion that has taken place, the school will soon house 650 children.

We have two medical centres on the West Cliff whose services are already stretched to an almost unmanageable degree.

Bournemouth is no longer a town that attracts just the elderly and retired. It now has a much younger population. Therefore the two services mentioned will be even more at risk of overcrowding.

Instead of granting permission to money making schemes, how about another primary school and more GPs?

PENNY FORSYTH, RL Stevenson Avenue, Bournemouth