SURELY it seems a bit extreme to knock down the Imax at a cost of over two million pounds!

Can the building not be adapted to a different use such as an indoor centre with heated pools and all-weather facilities?

This would extend the holiday season which would be good for hotels and guests houses. Anyone who has visited a Center Parcs will confirm the popularity of such an attraction.

The idea of a casino (Dave Wells letter) offers limited scope as it would be primarily used at night, although such a facility could still be added on the top floor if viable.

Have any specific plans been put forward for people to see? I am not sure either what is meant by “outdoor arena performance space” (councillor Anne Filer) that sounds to me like the council are not sure of what to do with the space once the building has been demolished.

I believe that an indoor all-weather facility will benefit the town most and if it can be incorporated in the existing structure that surely would make more financial sense.

PAOLO BONANNI, Leven Avenue, Bournemouth