IN my opinion, the purchase and proposed demolition of the Imax building represents not only a scandalous waste of public money but a lack of vision and commitment at the Town Hall.

Bournemouth needs wet weather attractions for residents and visitors and, with some calmer thought and determination to make it happen, that building would have to be part of the answer.

There has been much talk in the Echo about loss of views.

The changing views which concern me far more are that of the fairground attraction as you cross the pier flyover.

The sad car park which was once a nationally famous concert hall, the plethora of Blackpool-type signage as you get to the top of Priory Hill, the fading decay of the magnificent Westover Road facades and the letting of the open space in our town square seemingly to any commercial operator rather than providing good outdoor entertainment.

The list goes on – sadly, it represents decline.

Over the last five years we have read endless words from council leaders about visions and plans but, as I see it, there has been absolutely no major private inward investment which will help secure the town’s future prosperity.

It’s time to stop knocking down – time to start creating.

DOUGLAS EYRE, Kirby Way, Bournemouth