I REFER to Winter Garden’s project I read in the Daily Echo recently what our present council’s intentions are as far as the old Bus Station site, Winter Gardens and Trevor Osborne’s intention for the Pavilion car park.

Firstly, let us use the Winter Gardens site as a multi-storey car park and bus station where visitors to the town can be dropped off right in the centre of this commercial part of the town in an undercover multi-purpose bus/coach and taxi station.

The old bus station site could be an indoor shopping mall as you would see in any of the large major continental cities with a variety of good quality attractive shops.

We could even have an overhead covered walkway linking the old Winter Gardens site with the new shopping mall.

We would then not be wasting our time and many millions of pounds of money on this Trevor Osborne fiasco at the back of the Pavilion.

Let us leave any development on this Pavilion site until the current climate has changed and no doubt then some ambitious individual will envisage the full potential of the whole of this development area.

DAVE WELLS St Clements Road, Boscombe